§ 3.2-3301. Southern Dairy Compact Commission members.
The Governor shall appoint five delegates from Virginia to represent theCommonwealth on the Southern Dairy Compact Commission, including two dairyfarmers who are engaged in the production of milk, two consumerrepresentatives, and one dairy processor. The Governor's appointments shallbe subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. Initial appointmentsshall be one dairy farmer, one consumer representative, and one dairyprocessor each for a term of four years and one dairy farmer and one consumerrepresentative each for a term of two years. Thereafter, delegates shall beappointed for four-year terms. No delegate shall serve more than threeconsecutive terms. Vacancies in the membership of the delegation shall befilled by the Governor for the unexpired term.
(1998, c. 706, § 3.1-461.2; 2008, c. 860.)