§ 3.2-3620. Seizure and condemnation.
In addition to the provisions of § 3.2-3623, the Commissioner may seize anylot of regulated product not in compliance with this chapter. TheCommissioner may make application for seizure to an appropriate court in thecity or county where such regulated product is located. In the event that thecourt finds such regulated product to be in violation of this chapter, andorders the condemnation of such regulated product, the owner of the regulatedproduct shall dispose of the seized regulated product in any manner that, inthe opinion of the Commissioner, is consistent with the quality of theregulated product, and that complies with the laws of the Commonwealth. In noinstance shall the court order the disposition of such regulated productwithout first giving the claimant an opportunity to apply to the court forrelease of the regulated product, or for permission to process or relabel theregulated product, to bring it into compliance with this chapter.
(1994, c. 740, § 3.1-106.16; 2008, c. 860.)