§ 3.2-3708. Stop sale, use, removal or seizure order; review.
A. The Commissioner may issue and enforce a written or printed stop sale,use, removal or seizure order to the owner or custodian of any lot of limingmaterial being offered or exposed for sale in violation of any of theprovisions of this chapter. Such order may provide that such liming materialbe held at a designated place until the owner or custodian of such lot ofliming material has complied with this chapter and the Commissioner hasreleased the liming material in writing, or such violation has been otherwiselegally disposed of by written authority.
B. The owner or custodian of such liming material shall have the right toreview in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Process Act (§2.2-4000 et seq.).
C. The provisions of this section shall not be construed: (i) as limiting theright of the Commissioner to proceed as authorized by other provisions ofthis chapter; or (ii) as limiting or prohibiting the operation of § 2.2-4028.
(1974, c. 647, § 3.1-126.7; 1986, c. 615; 1994, c. 649; 2008, c. 860.)