§ 3.2-3904. Powers and duties of the Board.
The Board shall have the following powers and duties:
1. Appoint advisory committees as necessary to implement this chapter;
2. Contract for research projects and establish priorities;
3. Consult with the Department of Environmental Quality regarding compliancewith the applicable waste management regulations for the safe and properdisposal of pesticide concentrates, used pesticide containers, and unusedpesticides;
4. Consult with the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry regardingcompliance with the applicable standards and regulations needed to ensuresafe working conditions for pest control and agricultural workers;
5. Consult with the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries regardingstandards for the protection of wildlife and fish and to further promotecooperation with respect to programs established by the Department of Gameand Inland Fisheries for the protection of endangered or threatened species;
6. Inform the citizens of the desirability and availability of nonchemicaland less toxic alternatives to chemical pesticides and the benefits of thesafe and proper use of pest control products while promoting the use ofintegrated pest management techniques and encouraging the development ofnonchemical and less toxic alternatives to chemical pesticides;
7. Require that pesticides are adequately tested and are safe for use underlocal conditions;
8. Require that individuals who sell, store, or apply pesticides commerciallyare adequately trained and observe appropriate safety practices;
9. Cooperate, receive grants-in-aid, and enter into agreements with anyfederal, state, or local agency to promote the purposes of this chapter;
10. Consult with the Department of Health regarding compliance with publichealth standards;
11. Designate any pesticide as state special use or classified for restricteduse; and
12. Restrict the distribution, possession, sale, or use of tributylincompounds.
(1987, c. 15, § 3.1-249.25; 1989, c. 575, §§ 3.1-249.29, 3.1-249.62; 1991, c.333; 2005, c. 633; 2008, c. 860.)