§ 3.2-3921. Requirements for registration.
The Commissioner shall register a pesticide if: (i) he finds the compositionof the pesticide warrants any proposed claims; and (ii) the pesticide, itslabeling, and any other submitted material comply with the requirements ofthis chapter. If either condition is not met, the Commissioner shall notifythe registrant of the manner in which the pesticide, labeling, or othermaterial fails to comply with the requirements for registration so as toafford the registrant an opportunity to make the necessary correction.
(Code 1950, §§ 3-208.27, 3-208.28; 1966, c. 702, §§ 3.1-229, 3.1-230; 1981,c. 260; 1989, c. 575, §§ 3.1-249.42, 3.1-249.43; 2008, c. 860.)