§ 3.2-3924. Annual business license required.
A. No pesticide business may sell, distribute, or store any pesticide withouta pesticide business license issued pursuant to regulations adopted by theBoard. The Board shall adopt regulations exempting retailers of limitedquantities of nonrestricted use pesticides including grocery stores,convenience stores, drug stores, veterinarians, and other businesses who sellpesticides primarily for limited household use.
B. No person may apply or recommend for use any pesticide commerciallywithout a pesticide business license and the employment of a certifiedcommercial applicator responsible for: (i) the safe application of thepesticides; and (ii) providing recommendations for the use of pesticides.
C. An annual business license shall be required for each location or outletthat sells, distributes, stores, applies, or recommends for use any pesticide.
(1975, c. 377, § 3.1-249.7; 1989, c. 575, § 3.1-249.46; 1993, c. 773; 2008,c. 860.)