§ 3.2-3932. Application and certification of private applicators.
A. It is unlawful to use or supervise the use of any pesticide classified forrestricted use on any property, unless the applicator: (i) has first obtainedcertification from the Commissioner as a private applicator; (ii) is exemptor excepted from the requirement to be certified; or (iii) is producing anagricultural commodity while under the direct supervision of a privateapplicator on property owned or leased by that private applicator.
B. An applicator shall be required to renew his certification bienniallyunder the classification or subclassification for which such applicator iscertified. The Commissioner shall require reexamination or specialexamination of any applicator if: (i) certification has been suspended,revoked, or modified pursuant to § 3.2-3940; (ii) significant technologicaldevelopments have occurred requiring additional knowledge; (iii) required byadditional standards established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency;or (iv) required by regulations of the Board. To obtain recertification, theapplicator shall furnish satisfactory evidence of completion of educationalcourses, programs, or seminars approved by the Board.
C. The Commissioner shall inform the applicant in writing of his decisionwithin 30 days.
(1975, c. 377, § 3.1-249.6; 1976, c. 236; 1989, c. 575, § 3.1-249.54; 1993,c. 773; 2008, c. 860.)