§ 3.2-3941. Exemptions from penalties.
The penalties provided for violations of subsection A of § 3.2-3939 and §3.2-3940 shall not apply to:
1. Any carrier transporting pesticides if such carrier permits theCommissioner to copy all records showing the transactions in and movements ofthe pesticides upon request;
2. Public officials of the Commonwealth and the federal government engaged inthe performance of their official duties;
3. Individuals or agencies authorized by law to conduct research in the fieldof pesticides when such research is conducted in accordance with regulationsestablished by the Board; and
4. Any person who establishes a guaranty signed by, and containing the nameand address of, the registrant or person residing in the United States fromwhom he purchased and received in good faith the pesticide in the sameunbroken package, to the effect that the pesticide was lawfully registered atthe time of sale and delivery to him, and that it complies with the otherrequirements of this chapter, designating this chapter. In such case theguarantor shall be subject to the penalties that would otherwise attach tothe person holding the guaranty under the provisions of this chapter.
(Code 1950, § 3-208.44; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-246; 1981, c. 260; 1989, c. 575,§ 3.1-249.74; 2008, c. 860.)