§ 3.2-4005. License required to market seed.
A. Any person whose name appears on the label of seed shall obtain a licensefrom the Commissioner before distributing, selling, or offering to sell suchseed in the Commonwealth. The applicant shall submit the application on aform furnished or approved by the Commissioner and shall pay a license fee of$50 at the time of application. Any person who fails to obtain a licenseprior to distributing, selling, or offering to sell seed shall be given agrace period of 15 working days from issuance of notification to obtain alicense without penalty. Any person who fails to obtain a license by the endof the grace period shall pay a late fee of $50 in addition to the licensefee amount. The assessment of this late fee shall not prohibit theCommissioner from taking further action.
B. Every license shall expire on December 31. If the holder files a renewalapplication on or before December 31, his license shall remain valid throughJanuary 31 or until issuance of the renewal license, whichever event firstoccurs.
C. The Commissioner shall refuse to issue the license to any person not incompliance with the provisions of this article, and shall revoke any licensesubsequently found not to be in compliance with any provision of this article.
(1994, c. 577, § 3.1-275.2; 2008, c. 860.)