§ 3.2-4304. When special grades, marks, and brands allowed; filing acertificate.
Any person desiring to pack, mark, sell, or offer for sale any agriculturalproduct under any grade, trademark, brand, or other markings relating tograde, quality or size, not established and adopted by the Director, may filewith the Director a certificate describing the special grade, trademark,brand, or other markings. If, the Director, with the approval of theCommissioner: (i) approves of the completeness of definitions of such specialgrade, trademark, brand, or other markings described in the certificate; (ii)finds that such grade terminology, trademark, brand, other markings, ordefinitions are in no way deceptive; and (iii) determines that definitionsused to describe grade, classifications, quality, condition, size, variety,or other characteristics of agricultural products clearly document where theydiffer from the official grades, the special grade, trademark, brand, orother markings may thereafter be used by the person filing the certificate.For the purpose of this section a brand, trademark, or other markings mayrepresent a grade.
(Code 1950, § 3-261; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-340; 2008, c. 860.)