§ 3.2-4306. Enforcement powers of Director.
The Director, with the approval of the Commissioner, shall enforce theprovisions of this article and is empowered to:
1. Enter and inspect every place where agricultural products are produced,packed, stored for sale, shipped, delivered for shipment, in transit oroffered for sale; and to inspect such places and any or all agriculturalproducts, containing markings of any kind that indicate grade,classification, quality, condition, size, variety and quantity, andcontainers or equipment found at or in such places. It is unlawful for anyoneto prevent, hinder or interfere with the Director or his agent in theexercise of any power under this subdivision;
2. To approve, superintend, control and discharge such inspectors,subordinate inspectors and agents as in his discretion may be deemednecessary for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this article; and toprescribe their duties and fix their compensation;
3. Prohibit the movement of any agricultural product found to be marked inviolation of any of the provisions of this article, prior to the productbeing accepted by a common carrier for shipment in interstate transit. Suchproduct shall be repacked or remarked. A lot of any agricultural productshall not be considered accepted by a common carrier until the common carrieris loaded, sealed, and the bill of lading issued; and
4. Cause to be instituted through the attorney for the Commonwealthprosecutions for violations of this article.
(Code 1950, § 3-262; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-341; 2008, c. 860.)