§ 3.2-4400. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Apiary" means any place where one or more colonies of bees are kept.
"Appliance" means any apparatus, tool, machine, or other device used in thehandling and manipulating of bees, honey, wax, hives, and hive parts andshall include containers used in transporting, processing, storing, ormerchandising bees and bee products.
"Bee" means the honeybee, Apis mellifera and genetic variations thereof, atany living stage; and may include other hymenopterous insects that depend onpollen and nectar for food.
"Bee diseases" means departures from a sound state of health of beescharacterized by visible symptoms including American foulbrood and any otherdiseases, insects, mites, or bee pests.
"Bee equipment" means hives and hive parts including frames, supers,covers, bottom boards, and beekeeping apparel.
"Brood comb" means the assemblage of cells containing any living stage ofbees at any time prior to their emergence as adults.
"Certificate of health" means a state-of-origin document prepared andsigned by the State Apiarist or other authorized person declaring the bees,bee equipment, appliances, apiaries, and honey houses to be free of beediseases.
"Colony" means a queenright assemblage of social bees capable ofreproducing.
"Combless package" means a shipping container for transporting bees orqueens.
"Entry permit" means a state-of-destination document prepared by the StateApiarist or other authorized person authorizing the entry of bee equipment,appliances, and bees on combs into the Commonwealth.
"Hive" means a box, skep, barrel, log gum, or other container used as adomicile for bees.
"Honey house" means any building where honey for commercial use isextracted, graded, processed, packed, or stored.
"Person" means the term as defined in § 1-230. The term also means anysociety.
(Code 1950, § 3-483; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-588; 1972, c. 499, § 3.1-610.1;1982, c. 100; 2008, c. 860.)