§ 3.2-4403. Duties of beekeepers.
Beekeepers shall:
1. Provide movable frames with combs or foundation in all hives used by themto contain bees, except for short periods, not to exceed the first springhoney flow, and to cause the bees in such hives to construct brood combs insuch frames so that any of the frames may be removed from the hive withoutinjuring other combs in such hive; and
2. Securely and tightly close the entrance of any hive in apiaries not freefrom disease and make the hive tight so that robber bees cannot enter, leave,or obtain honey from the hives as long as the hives remain in a locationaccessible by honeybees.
(Code 1950, § 3-497; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-602; 1972, c. 499, § 3.1-610.10;2008, c. 860.)