§ 3.2-4411. Abandoned apiaries.
The State Apiarist may deem an apiary to be abandoned if: (i) the bees andhives show evidence of a period of neglect exceeding one year; and (ii) theowner of the apiary has not been identified through a reasonable search ofavailable records. If the State Apiarist deems an apiary to be abandoned, heshall certify his findings in a declaration of abandonment to the treasurerof the locality where the apiary is located. The treasurer shall give noticeof such certification to the last known owner of the apiary and the owner ofthe land upon which the apiary is located by personal service, by posting atlast known residence, or by publication. If after 60 days, the owner orlandowner has not laid claim to the apiary, the treasurer may hold asheriff's sale, issue a treasurer's deed to the successful bidder, anddeposit any proceeds into the general fund of the locality. If disposition isnot made within 90 days of the date of the declaration of abandonment, theState Apiarist may take possession of the apiary and destroy the relatedbees, hives, and equipment.
(1972, c. 499, § 3.1-610.18; 2008, c. 860.)