§ 3.2-4906. Adulterated remedy.
An animal remedy is adulterated if:
1. It was prepared or held under unsanitary conditions and as a result it:(i) may have become contaminated with filth; or (ii) may have been renderedinjurious to animal health.
2. Its composition, purity, strength, or quality falls below or differs fromwhat it is purported or is represented to possess by its labeling. TheCommissioner shall allow a reasonable tolerance from such representation, inaccordance with good manufacturing practices.
3. It consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid or decomposedsubstance.
4. It bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance that mayrender it injurious to health under such conditions of use as are customaryor usual.
5. Its container is composed of any injurious or deleterious substance thatmay render it injurious to health.
(Code 1950, § 3-646.2; 1956, c. 517; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-831; 1994, c. 910;2008, c. 860.)