§ 3.2-4913. Report of violations; duty of attorney for the Commonwealth.
The Commissioner shall report violations of this chapter to the attorney forthe Commonwealth. It shall be the duty of every attorney for theCommonwealth, to whom the Commissioner shall report any violation of thischapter, to commence proceedings and prosecute without delay. This sectionshall not require the Commissioner to report, for the institution ofprosecution under such sections, minor violations of this chapter if hebelieves the public interest will be adequately served in the circumstancesby a suitable written notice of warning. In all prosecutions under thischapter involving the composition of an animal remedy, a certified copy ofthe official analysis signed by the analyst shall be accepted as prima facieevidence of the composition, provided the defendant has been furnished a copythereof in advance of the trial.
(Code 1950, § 3-646.14; 1956, c. 517; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-844; 1972, c. 741;1994, c. 910; 2008, c. 860.)