§ 3.2-5106. Sanitary conditions of food establishments.
A. Every place used for the preparation for sale, manufacture, packing,storage, sale, or distribution of any food shall be properly lighted,drained, plumbed, and ventilated, and shall be operated with strict regardfor the purity and wholesomeness of the food produced, and with strict regardto the influence of such conditions upon the health of any worker or employee.
B. The floors, sidewalls, ceilings, furniture, receptacles, implements, andmachinery of every place where food is manufactured, packed, stored, sold, ordistributed, shall at all times be kept in a clean, healthful, and sanitarycondition.
C. All refuse, dirt, and waste products subject to decomposition andfermentation incident to the manufacture, preparation, packing, storing,selling, and distributing of food, shall be removed from the premises daily.
(Code 1950, §§ 3-286, 3-287, 3-289; 1966, c. 702, §§ 3.1-366, 3.1-367,3.1-369; 2008, c. 860.)