§ 3.2-5203. Importing of products.
A. No regulation adopted under this chapter shall be construed to prohibitthe sale within the Commonwealth of any product that is produced outside ofthe Commonwealth under laws or regulations of the exporting state orpolitical subdivision that are substantially equivalent to regulationsadopted under this article and that are enforced with equal effectiveness.
B. No Grade A raw milk shall be imported into the Commonwealth by any personwho does not possess a permit issued under conditions prescribed by theBoard. The Board shall adopt regulations for the importation of raw bulk milkfrom points beyond routine inspection of the Commonwealth to insure thequality of milk and milk products, to determine volume of product shippedinto the Commonwealth, to be assured of the original source of production,and to provide for the best interest of the Commonwealth, and for theprotection of the consuming public.
(1970, c. 48, § 3.1-562.5; 1970, c. 49, § 3.1-530.6; 2008, c. 860.)