§ 3.2-5220. Inspection of centrifugal machines and scales; condemnation.
Every Babcock or other centrifugal machine, or cream test or butterfat testscale, used in the Commonwealth by any inspector of milk or cream or by anyperson in any milk inspection laboratory for determining the composition ofmilk or cream for purposes of inspection, or by any person in any milk depot,ice cream factory, confectionery, creamery, cheese factory, condensed milkfactory, laboratory, or other place for determining the composition or valueof milk or cream as a basis for payment in buying or selling, shall besubject to inspection at least once in each year by the Commissioner. TheCommissioner may condemn any Babcock or other centrifugal scale that is, inhis opinion, not giving accurate results. No Babcock or other centrifugalmachine or scale that has been condemned by the Commissioner shall be used inthe Commonwealth by any person for determining the composition or value ofmilk or cream, unless the machine or scale has been changed and approved bythe Commissioner.
(Code 1950, § 3-402; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-532; 2008, c. 860.)