§ 3.2-5309. Stop-sale order and seizure.
A. If after inspection, the Department determines that any eggs are beingoffered, displayed, stored, processed, or transported in violation of thischapter, the Department may issue a stop-sale order as to such eggs directedto the owner or custodian thereof. Such order shall specify the reason forits issuance and shall detail the character of the violation. No eggs towhich a stop-sale order applies shall be marketed until and unless the orderhas been withdrawn. The Department shall withdraw a stop-sale order only uponits determination that the conditions leading to the issuance of the orderhave been corrected.
B. Whenever the public interest requires, the Department may take possessionor custody of the eggs against which a stop-sale order has been issued andmay commence proceedings for the seizure thereof. Upon seizure and proof ofviolation, the eggs shall be disposed of in such manner as may be consistentwith the public safety and interest. The owner or custodian of the eggs shallnot be entitled to any compensation or damages on account of such seizure ordisposition.
(1968, c. 142, § 3.1-769.2; 2008, c. 860.)