§ 3.2-5400. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Animal food manufacturer" means any person engaged in the business ofpreparing animal (including poultry) food derived wholly or in part fromlivestock or poultry carcasses or parts or products of such carcasses.
"Broker" means any person engaged in the business of buying or sellinglivestock products or poultry products on commission, or otherwisenegotiating purchases or sales of such articles other than for his ownaccount or as an employee of another person.
"Capable of use as human food" shall apply to any livestock or poultrycarcass, or part or product of any such carcass, unless it is denatured orotherwise identified as required by regulations prescribed by the Board todeter its use as human food, or it is naturally inedible by humans.
"Container" or "package" means any box, can, tin, cloth, plastic, orother receptacle, wrapper, or cover.
"Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act" means the act so entitled, approvedJune 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 1040), and acts amendatory thereof or supplementarythereto.
"Federal Meat Inspection Act" means the act so entitled approved March 4,1907 (34 Stat. 1260), as amended by the Wholesale Meat Act (81 Stat. 584);the term "Federal Poultry Products Inspection Act" means the act soentitled approved August 28, 1957 (71 Stat. 441), as amended by the WholesalePoultry Products Act (82 Stat. 791); and the term "federal acts" meansthese two federal laws.
"Immediate container" means any consumer package; or any other container inwhich livestock products or poultry products, not consumer packaged, arepacked.
"Inspector" means an employee or official of the Commonwealth authorized bythe Commissioner or any employee or official of the government of anylocality authorized by the Commissioner to perform any inspection functionsunder this article under an agreement between the Commissioner and suchgovernmental subdivision.
"Label" means a display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon anyarticle or the immediate container (not including package liners) of anyarticle.
"Labeling" means all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter:(i) upon any article or any of its containers or wrappers; or (ii)accompanying such article.
"Livestock" means any cattle, sheep, swine, goats, horses, mules, or otherequines, whether live or dead.
"Livestock product" means any carcass, part thereof, meat, or meat foodproduct of any livestock.
"Meat food product" means any product capable of use as human food that ismade wholly or in part from any meat or other portion of the carcass of anycattle, sheep, swine, or goats. Products that contain meat or other portionsof such carcasses only in a relatively small proportion or historically havenot been considered by consumers as products of the meat food industry, andthat are exempted from definition as a meat food product by the Commissionerunder such conditions as he may prescribe to assure that the meat or otherportions of such carcass contained in such product are not adulterated andthat such products are not represented as meat food products. This term asapplied to food products of equines shall have a comparable meaning.
"Official certificate" means any certificate prescribed by regulations ofthe Board for issuance by an inspector or other person performing officialfunctions under this article.
"Official device" means any device prescribed or authorized by theCommissioner for use in applying any official mark.
"Official establishment" means any establishment as determined by theCommissioner at which inspection of the slaughter of livestock or poultry orthe preparation of livestock products or poultry products is maintained underthe authority of this article.
"Official inspection legend" means any symbol prescribed by regulations ofthe Board showing that an article was inspected and passed in accordance withthis article.
"Official mark" means the official inspection legend or any other symbolprescribed by regulations of the Board to identify the status of any articleor livestock or poultry under this article.
"Pesticide chemical," "food additive," "color additive," and "rawagricultural commodity" shall have the same meanings for purposes of thisarticle as under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
"Poultry" means any domesticated bird, whether live or dead.
"Poultry product" means any poultry carcass or part thereof; or any productthat is made wholly or in part from any poultry carcass or part thereof,excepting products that contain poultry ingredients only in a relativelysmall proportion or historically have not been considered by consumers asproducts of the poultry food industry, and that are exempted by theCommissioner from definition as a poultry product under such conditions as hemay prescribe to assure that the poultry ingredients in such products are notadulterated and that such products are not represented as poultry products.
"Prepared" means slaughtered, canned, salted, stuffed, rendered, boned, cutup, or otherwise manufactured or processed.
"Render" means any person engaged in the business of rendering livestock orpoultry carcasses, or parts of products of such carcasses, except renderingconducted under inspection or exemption under this article.
"Shipping container" means any container used or intended for use inpackaging the product packed in an immediate container.
(1970, c. 290, § 3.1-884.18; 2008, c. 860.)