§ 3.2-5406. Meat inspection regulations.
A. The Commissioner may adopt: (i) by reference any regulation under thefederal acts as it pertains to this chapter, amending it as necessary forintrastate applicability; and (ii) any regulation containing provisions noless stringent than those contained in federal regulation. Such regulationadopted by the Commissioner shall be effective upon filing with the Registrarof Regulations, who shall publish the regulation as a final regulation in theVirginia Register of Regulations.
The regulation shall contain a preamble stating that the Board will receive,consider, and respond to petitions by any interested person at any time withrespect to reconsideration or revision of such regulation.
B. The Board, after giving notice in the Virginia Register of Regulations,may reconsider and revise the regulation adopted by the Commissioner. Suchrevised regulation shall be effective upon filing with the Registrar ofRegulations, who shall publish the regulation as a final regulation in theVirginia Register of Regulations. Neither the provisions of theAdministrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) nor public participationguidelines adopted pursuant thereto shall apply to the adoption,reconsideration, or revision of any regulation adopted pursuant to thissection.
(1991, c. 344, § 3.1-884.21:1; 2008, c. 860.)