§ 3.2-5508. Definitions.
As used in this chapter unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Food establishment" means those operations subject to regulation by theVirginia Department of Health as food establishments under the authoritygranted by § 35.1-14.
"Registrant" means any person who has registered with the Department as atransporter of waste kitchen grease.
"Renderer" means any person who commercially cooks carcasses, or parts orproducts of carcasses, of cattle, swine, poultry, and other animals and otherwaste animal by-products and waste kitchen grease into usable products.
"Transport" or "transportation" means the movement of waste kitchengrease in a motor vehicle on public roads.
"Trap grease" means waste kitchen grease that is removed from a grease trapand is principally derived from food preparation and processing.
"Usable products" means a product resulting from the processing of wastekitchen grease and shall include biofuels, lubricants, and animal feed,provided that such animal feed uses are allowed by the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration.
"Waste kitchen grease" means animal fats or vegetable oils that have beenused, and will not be reused, for cooking in a food establishment, includingtrap grease.
(2010, c. 868.)