§ 3.2-5509. Application; registration term; fees.
A. Except as provided in § 3.2-5510, on and after September 1, 2010, anyperson who transports waste kitchen grease shall submit an application forregistration to the Department not less than 30 days before suchtransportation. Registration shall be for a term no longer than one year. Theapplication shall be submitted in accordance with a procedure established bythe Department for this purpose. The application shall include:
1. The applicant's name and address;
2. A description of the operations to be performed by the applicant;
3. The make, model, license number, and vehicle identification number of anyvehicle to be used for the transportation of waste kitchen grease;
4. A nonrefundable application fee of $100;
5. A fee of $100 per vehicle used to transport waste kitchen grease; and
6. Proof of personal injury and property damage liability insurance in anamount not less than $1 million.
B. The Department shall issue each registrant a unique registration numberand a registration certificate.
(2010, c. 868.)