§ 3.2-5604. State standards of weight and measure.
Such weights and measures in conformity with the standards of the UnitedStates as have been supplied to the Commonwealth by the federal government orotherwise obtained by the Commonwealth for use as state standards shall, whenthe same have been certified as being satisfactory for use as such by theNational Institute of Standards and Technology, be the state standards ofweight and measure. The state standards shall be kept in a safe and suitableplace in the office or laboratory designated by the Commissioner, they shallnot be removed from the said office or laboratory except for repairs or forcertification, and they shall be maintained in such calibration as prescribedby the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The state standardsshall be used only in verifying the office standards and for scientificpurposes.
(Code 1950, §§ 3-708.4, 59-95, 59-98, 59-99; 1962, c. 298; 1966, c. 702, §3.1-922; 1993, c. 604; 2008, c. 860.)