§ 3.2-5612. Stop-sale, stop-use and stop-removal orders; seizure andimpounding of commodities, weights or measures; violation a misdemeanor;judicial review.
Whenever it appears to the Commissioner that there is a violation of any ofthe provisions of this chapter, he may, in his discretion, issue and enforcea written or printed stop-sale, stop-use, or stop-removal order against anyowner or custodian of any commodity, weight, or measure that is being used,sold, offered, or exposed for sale, or involved in any manner in connectionwith such violation, and he may further, in his discretion, seize and impoundany such commodity, weight, or measure until the Commissioner is satisfiedthat such violation has ceased and that the owner or custodian thereof is inall respects complying with the provisions of this chapter.
Any owner or custodian of any commodity, weight, or measure who sells, oroffers for sale, or otherwise disposes of, or attempts to dispose of, anysuch commodity, weight or measure, while subject to a stop-sale, stop-use, orstop-removal order, or while seized and impounded, is guilty of a Class 1misdemeanor. Any owner or custodian of any such commodity, weight or measurewho feels aggrieved by any action of the Commissioner hereunder shall havethe right to apply for a judicial review of the action in accordance with theprovisions of the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.).
(Code 1950, § 3-708.15; 1962, c. 298; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-933; 1986, c. 615;1993, c. 604; 2008, c. 860.)