§ 3.2-5620. Specifications and tolerances for weighing and measuring devices.
The specifications, tolerances, and regulations for commercial weighing andmeasuring devices, together with amendments thereto, as recommended by theNational Institute of Standards and Technology, and published in the NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44 and supplements thereto, orany publication revising, supplementing, or superseding Handbook 44, shall bethe specifications, tolerances, and regulations for commercial weighing andmeasuring devices of the Commonwealth, except insofar as specificallymodified, amended, or rejected by regulation issued by the Board. Forpurposes of this chapter, weights and measures shall be deemed to be incompliance with this chapter: (i) when they conform to all applicablerequirements of Handbook 44 and supplements thereto, or any publicationrevising, supplementing, or superseding Handbook 44; or (ii) when theyconform to any regulation adopted by the Board to modify, amend, or rejectHandbook 44, as specified in this section. Other weights and measures shallnot be in compliance.
(1993, c. 604, § 3.1-941.1; 2008, c. 860.)