§ 3.2-5622. How certain commodities to be sold.
Commodities in liquid form shall be sold only by liquid measure or by weight,and, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, commodities not in liquidform shall be sold by weight, by measure of length or area, or by count.Liquid commodities may be sold by weight, and commodities not in liquid formmay be sold by count, only if such methods give accurate information as tothe quantity of commodity sold. The provisions of this section shall notapply to: (i) commodities when sold for immediate consumption on the premiseswhere sold; (ii) vegetables when sold by the head or bunch; (iii) commoditiesin containers standardized by law; (iv) commodities in package form whenthere exists a general consumer usage to express the quantity in some othermanner; (v) concrete aggregates, concrete mixtures, and loose solidmaterials, including earth, soil, gravel and crushed stone, when sold bycubic measure; (vi) unprocessed vegetable and animal fertilizer when sold bycubic measure; or (vii) peanuts in large multiple bag lots being sold bycleaners or shellers to processors for further processing or repacking. Thearticles in clauses (i) through (vii) may be sold on a gross weight basis ifagreed upon in writing by the mutual consent of the buyer and seller.
The Uniform Regulation for the Method of Sale of Commodities as adopted bythe National Conference on Weights and Measures and published in NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology Handbook 130, "Uniform Laws andRegulations," and supplements thereto or revisions thereof, shall apply tothe method of sale of commodities in the Commonwealth, except insofar asmodified, amended, or rejected by regulation issued by the Board.
(Code 1950, §§ 3-708.25, 59-73; 1962, c. 298; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-943; 1993,c. 604; 2008, c. 860.)