§ 3.2-5628. Weights and Measures Fund established; purpose.
There is hereby established in the state treasury a special nonreverting fundto be known as the Weights and Measures Fund, hereinafter referred to as"the Fund." This Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller.All money designated for inclusion in the Fund or collected pursuant to thischapter shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the Fund.Interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and becredited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund, including interest thereon,at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shallremain in the Fund. The income and principal of this Fund shall be used onlyfor the purposes of administering and enforcing this chapter and Chapter 57(§ 3.2-5700 et seq.) of this title.
(1991, c. 605, § 3.1-949.2; 1992, c. 242; 2008, c. 860.)