§ 3.2-5633. Commissioner to receive enforcement authority for the Stage IIVapor Recovery Programs.
A. Upon the request of the Commissioner, the State Air Pollution ControlBoard may delegate to the Commissioner its authority under Chapter 13 (§10.1-1300 et seq.) of Title 10.1, to implement and enforce any provisions ofits regulations covering the storage and transfer of petroleum liquids. Uponreceiving such delegation, the authority to implement and enforce theregulations under Chapter 13 of Title 10.1 shall be vested solely in theCommissioner, notwithstanding any provision of law contained in Title 10.1,except as provided herein. The State Air Pollution Control Board, indelegating its authority under this section, may make the delegation subjectto any conditions it deems appropriate to ensure effective implementation ofthe regulations according to the policies of the State Air Pollution ControlBoard.
B. In addition to the Commissioner's authority to implement and enforce anyprovisions of the regulations of the State Air Pollution Control Boardcovering the storage and transfer of petroleum liquids, the Board may adoptregulations as are reasonably necessary for the administration, monitoringand enforcement of the law relating to the storage and transfer of petroleumliquids. Any violation of the provisions covering the storage and transfer ofpetroleum liquids shall be deemed to be a violation of this chapter, and theCommissioner may take appropriate enforcement action pursuant to theprovisions of this chapter.
(1993, c. 604, § 3.1-949.4; 2008, c. 860.)