§ 3.2-5705. Exemption from registration fee.
A. No service agency shall be required to pay a registration fee under theprovisions of this chapter if it is:
1. A business employing service technicians to install, place in service,adjust, repair, service, or recondition weights or measures that are owned oroperated by the business but that are used by no other business; or
2. A government or political subdivision engaged in the installation, placingin service, adjusting, repairing, servicing, or reconditioning of weights ormeasures owned or operated by the government or political subdivision.
B. A service technician that is employed by a business that is exempt frompaying a registration fee pursuant to subsection A of this section shall notbe required to pay a certification fee under the provisions of this chapter.
(1992, c. 242, § 3.1-969.6; 2008, c. 860.)