§ 3.2-5706. Examination and verification of standards and calibratingequipment.
Every service agency shall submit any weights or measures standard andcalibrating equipment used or to be used by the service agency to theCommissioner for examination and verification, in accordance with a scheduleestablished by the Commissioner. Any weights or measures standard orcalibrating equipment calibrated by the weights and measures laboratory ofanother state, of a territory, or of a protectorate of the United Statesshall be deemed to be properly calibrated and hence lawful for use in theCommonwealth if the service agency proffering for use the weights or measuresstandard or calibrating equipment can demonstrate the traceability of theweights or measures standard or calibrating equipment.
(1992, c. 242, § 3.1-969.7; 2007, c. 671; 2008, c. 860.)