§ 3.2-5711. Service report.
Every service agency shall furnish each service technician in its employ witha supply of report forms entitled "Placed into Service Report" prescribedby the Commissioner. Within five business days after its service technicianhas placed in or restored to service a weight or measure, the service agencyshall provide to the Commissioner a fully executed Placed into ServiceReport. The service agency shall provide a copy of the fully executed Placedinto Service Report to the owner or operator of the weight or measure andshall retain for a period of one year, reckoned from the date of execution, acopy of the fully executed Placed into Service Report, which is subject toinspection by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may accept the Placed intoService Report as sufficient to meet the statutory testing and inspectionrequirements in § 3.2-5609.
(1992, c. 242, § 3.1-969.12; 2005, c. 850; 2007, c. 671; 2008, c. 860.)