§ 3.2-5900. Definitions.
As used in this subtitle, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Accredited veterinarian" means a veterinarian approved by theAdministrator of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in accordance with 9C.F.R. Part 161, which includes the authority to issue health certificates.
"Animal" means any organism of the kingdom Animalia, other than a humanbeing.
"Hatching egg" means any egg of any chicken, turkey, waterfowl, or gamebird, or the egg of any other avian species that is used or intended to beused for hatching purposes.
"Horse" means any stallion, colt, gelding, mare, or filly.
"Livestock" includes all domestic or domesticated bovine animals; equineanimals; ovine animals; porcine animals; cervidae animals; capradae animals;animals of the genus Lama; ratites; fish or shellfish in aquaculturefacilities, as defined in § 3.2-2600; enclosed rabbits or hares raised forhuman food or fiber; or any other individual animal specifically raised forfood or fiber, except companion animals.
"Passport" means a document that may be used in lieu of a Certificate ofVeterinary Inspection and shall contain animal identifiers and healthmaintenance history such as vaccinations and laboratory tests.
"Poultry" includes all domestic fowl and game birds raised in captivity.
"State Veterinarian" means the veterinarian employed by the Commissioner asprovided in § 3.2-5901.
"State Veterinarian's representative" means any person who is either: (i)an employee of the Department under the direction of the State Veterinarian;or (ii) a veterinarian deputized pursuant to § 3.2-5901.
(Code 1950, §§ 3-4, 3-13; 1966, c. 702, §§ 3.1-4, 3.1-14; 1972, c. 531; 1975,c. 260; 1977, c. 186; 1978, cc. 219, 540; 1982, c. 150; 1984, c. 492, §29-213.36; 1987, c. 488, § 3.1-796.66; 1988, c. 538; 1991, c. 348; 1993, cc.174, 455, 959; 1994, cc. 261, 370; 1995, cc. 10, 610; 1996, c. 996; 1998, c.817; 2002, cc. 351, 500, 787; 2003, cc. 544, 551, § 3.1-741.3; 2003, c. 1007;2005, c. 633; 2008, c. 860.)