§ 3.2-5901. State Veterinarian and representatives.
The Commissioner shall employ and direct a veterinarian who shall be known asthe State Veterinarian, whose duties shall be to carry out the laws of theCommonwealth and the regulations of the Board and the Commissioner. The StateVeterinarian and his representatives shall have the power to carry intoeffect all lawful orders given by the Board or the Commissioner.
The State Veterinarian may deputize, for a specific period of time, licensedveterinarians, veterinarians employed by the Virginia-Maryland RegionalCollege of Veterinary Medicine, and veterinarians in the employment of theU.S. Department of Agriculture.
(Code 1950, § 3-565; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-723; 1978, c. 396; 2008, c. 860.)