§ 3.2-6003. Duty of State Veterinarian when animals are suspected of having acontagious or infectious disease.
A. The State Veterinarian, upon receipt of reliable information of theexistence of any contagious or infectious disease among animals of theCommonwealth with potential impact on livestock or poultry, shall immediatelymake an evaluation that may include going to the place where such disease hasbeen reported. The evaluation may include conducting tests of the animalsbelieved to be affected with such disease, and ascertain, if possible, what,if any, disease exists, and whether the same is contagious or infectious.
B. Upon notice by the State Veterinarian or his representative, the owner orcustodian of any animal to be evaluated shall isolate and confine the animalif necessary to accomplish the evaluation or to prevent the spread ofcontagious or infectious disease.
C. 1. If a disease is found to be contagious or infectious, the StateVeterinarian, or his representative, may adopt and enforce quarantine linesand regulations and shall enforce such cleaning and disinfection as may bedeemed necessary to prevent the spread of such disease. Quarantine lines andregulations, when adopted, shall supersede any similar provisions made by thegoverning body of any county under the provisions of Chapter 12 (§ 15.2-1200et seq.) of Title 15.2.
2. The State Veterinarian may issue and enforce a proclamation limiting liveanimal sales and events or the movement of manure, bedding, equipment,vehicles, or other material that may be infectious to prevent the spread ofcontagious or infectious diseases to livestock and poultry.
(Code 1950, § 3-569; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-727; 2008, c. 860.)