§ 3.2-6009. Euthanasia or slaughter of livestock or poultry by owner.
A. The State Veterinarian may require the owner or custodian to euthanize orslaughter condemned livestock or poultry within a specified period of time,and under state or federal supervision, or under regulations of the Board.The carcasses shall be disposed of pursuant to regulations adopted by theBoard.
B. If the owner or custodian fails to euthanize or slaughter any condemnedlivestock or poultry pursuant to subsection A, then the State Veterinarian orhis representative may seize the condemned livestock or poultry and euthanizeor slaughter the animals as required.
(Code 1950, § 3-586; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-751; 2008, c. 860.)