§ 3.2-6012. Duty of operators of stockyards and poultry slaughter facilities.
Any person who operates a stockyard, poultry slaughter facility, or any otherpremises where livestock or poultry are repeatedly assembled: (i) shallmaintain such premises in a sanitary condition as directed by the StateVeterinarian; (ii) shall obey all orders or regulations adopted pursuant tothis chapter as to handling livestock or poultry that may be affected withcontagious or infectious disease, or that have been exposed to contagious orinfectious disease; and (iii) shall clean and disinfect such premises orvehicles used in connection therewith, or any part thereof, when ordered todo so by the State Veterinarian or his representative.
(Code 1950, § 3-578; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-737; 1977, c. 395; 2008, c. 860.)