§ 3.2-6024. Definitions.
As used in this article unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Composting" means the natural process in which beneficial microbes reducedead poultry into a biologically safe by-product.
"Dead poultry" means poultry, exclusive of those intentionally slaughtered,that die as a result of disease, injury, or of natural causes, upon anypremises in the Commonwealth.
"Disposal" means to put dead poultry into a landfill or the completedestruction of dead poultry in an incinerator or a disposal pit, or byrendering or composting.
"Disposal pit" means an opening dug in the ground to a minimum depth of sixfeet, containing a minimum capacity of 150 cubic feet, covered with a minimumof 12 inches of dirt, and provided with one or more openings for theintroduction of poultry therein. Openings shall be of a minimum size of eightinches square and equipped with tight lids.
"Incinerator" means a device designed for treatment of waste by combustion.
"Landfill" means an area permitted by the Department of EnvironmentalQuality allowing the disposal of dead poultry.
"Person" means any person who engages in the raising or keeping of poultryfor profit in the Commonwealth.
"Poultry" means all chickens, ducks, turkeys, or other domestic fowls beingraised or kept on any premises in the Commonwealth for profit.
"Premises" means the entire tract of land including the buildings thereon,owned, leased, or used by any person for the raising or keeping of poultryfor profit.
"Raising or keeping of poultry for profit" means the raising or keeping of500 or more poultry at one time for the purpose of sale of such poultry orthe eggs produced therefrom.
"Rendering" means treating dead poultry according to the process describedin 9 C.F.R. § 82.1.
(1992, c. 101, § 3.1-742.1; 2008, c. 860.)