§ 3.2-6102. Registration of brand required; transfer of brand.
Any cattle owner who uses a brand to identify his cattle must register hisbrand by applying to the Department for such registration. The applicationshall be made on forms prescribed and furnished by the Department, whichapplication shall be accompanied by a fee of $10 and a facsimile of the brandto be registered shall also be furnished by the applicant. All fees collectedhereunder for registration, transfer, and reregistration of brands shall bedeposited in a special fund of the state treasury for the administration ofthis chapter. If the brand described in the application, or one similar, orclosely resembling a registered brand has not been previously registered byanother cattle owner, the Department shall approve the application, registerthe brand in the name of the applicant and issue to the applicant acertificate of registration. In the event the Department denies registrationof a brand for any reason the registration fee of $10 shall be returned tothe person making application for registration. When a cattle owner, who hasregistered a brand with the Department, transfers such brand to another, heshall immediately notify the Department of the transfer, giving the date oftransfer, and the name of the transferee. Upon receipt of the notice and atransfer fee of $3, the Department shall note such transfer in the registerof brands, and such brand shall not be used by the new owner until permissionhas been given by the Department.
(1974, c. 642, § 3.1-796.30; 1975, c. 283; 2008, c. 860.)