§ 3.2-6202. Liability limited; liability actions prohibited.
A. Except as provided in § 3.2-6203, an equine activity sponsor, an equineprofessional, or any other person, which shall include a corporation,partnership, or limited liability company, shall not be liable for an injuryto or death of a participant resulting from the intrinsic dangers of equineactivities and, except as provided in § 3.2-6203, no participant nor anyparticipant's parent, guardian, or representative shall have or make anyclaim against or recover from any equine activity sponsor, equineprofessional, or any other person for injury, loss, damage, or death of theparticipant resulting from any of the intrinsic dangers of equine activities.
B. Except as provided in § 3.2-6203, no participant or parent or guardian ofa participant who has knowingly executed a waiver of his rights to sue oragrees to assume all risks specifically enumerated under this subsection maymaintain an action against or recover from an equine activity sponsor or anequine professional for an injury to or the death of a participant engaged inan equine activity. The waiver shall give notice to the participant of theintrinsic dangers of equine activities. The waiver shall remain valid unlessexpressly revoked in writing by the participant or parent or guardian of aminor.
(1991, c. 358, § 3.1-796.132; 2003, c. 876; 2008, c. 860.)