§ 3.2-800. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Certificate" means a document issued or authorized by the Commissionerindicating that a regulated article is not contaminated with a noxious weed.
"Infested" means the establishment of a noxious weed or exposure to suchweed, which would be reasonable cause to believe that establishment couldoccur.
"Move" means to ship, offer for shipment, receive for transportation,carry, or otherwise transport, move, or allow to be moved.
"Noxious weed" means any living plant, not widely disseminated, or partthereof, declared by the Board through regulations under this chapter, to bedetrimental to crops, surface waters, including lakes, or other desirableplants, livestock, land, or other property, or to be injurious to publichealth or the economy.
"Permit" means a document issued or authorized by the Commissioner toprovide for movement of regulated articles to restricted destinations forlimited handling, utilization, processing, or for scientific purposes.
"Person" means the term as defined in § 1-230. The term also means anysociety.
"Quarantine" means a legal declaration by the Board that specifies: (i) thenoxious weed; (ii) the articles to be regulated; (iii) conditions governingmovement; and (iv) exemptions.
"Regulated article" means any article of any character as described in thischapter or in the quarantine carrying or capable of carrying a noxious weedagainst which this chapter or the quarantine is directed.
(1970, c. 175, § 3.1-296.12; 1996, c. 266; 2008, c. 860.)