§ 3.2-802. Powers and duties of Board; quarantine.
The Board shall establish by regulation, after a public hearing, those weedsdeemed to be noxious weeds not otherwise so declared by the terms of thischapter. The Board may establish a statewide quarantine and adopt regulationspertaining to regulated articles and conditions governing movement, underwhich the Commissioner shall proceed to eradicate or suppress and prevent thedissemination of noxious weeds in the Commonwealth, and shall adopt otherregulations as are necessary to carry out the purpose of this chapter. TheBoard may adopt regulations governing the movement of regulated articlesentering the Commonwealth from without. Following the establishment of aquarantine, no person shall move any noxious weed or any regulated articledescribed in the quarantine from any regulated area without a valid permit orcertificate.
Subsequent to the declaration of a quarantine by the Board, the Commissionershall limit the application of the regulations pertinent to such quarantineto the infested portion of the Commonwealth and appropriate environs, whichwould be known as the regulated area and may, without further hearing, extendthe regulated area to include additional portions of the Commonwealth uponpublication of a notice to that effect in a newspaper distributed in theextended area or by direct written notice to those concerned.
(1970, c. 175, § 3.1-296.14; 2008, c. 860.)