§ 30-10. Attendance of witnesses; production of evidence.
When the Senate or House of Delegates, a joint committee or commissionthereof, or any committee of either house authorized to send for persons andpapers, shall order the attendance of any witness, or the production of anypaper as evidence, a summons shall be issued accordingly by the clerk of suchhouse, directed to the sheriff or other officer of any county or city, or thechief officer of the Virginia Capitol Police, or his designee, and, whenserved, obedience thereto may be enforced by attachment, fine andimprisonment in jail, at the discretion of the house which, or the committeeof which, caused the summons to issue, or in the case of a joint committee orcommission, at the discretion of such joint committee or commission or as thetwo houses may determine by joint resolution.
(Code 1919, § 303; 1958, c. 608; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 155; 2003, c. 231.)