§ 30-13. Other duties of Clerk of House of Delegates; publication of proposedamendments to Constitution.
In addition to such duties as may be prescribed by the rules of the House ofDelegates, the Clerk of the House of Delegates shall at the end of thesession of the General Assembly prepare a well-arranged index to the journalof the House and the documents printed during the session by order of theHouse. He shall have published, with the acts and joint resolutions proposingamendments to the Constitution: joint resolutions providing for studies forlegislation of each session of the General Assembly; the unadjusted UnitedStates decennial census counts for the Commonwealth's counties, cities, andtowns; and a carefully prepared and well-arranged index of the acts and jointresolutions.
The Clerk of the House of Delegates shall have published all proposedamendments to the Constitution for distribution from his office and to theclerk of the circuit court of each county and city two copies of the proposedamendments, one of which shall be posted at the front door of the courthouseand the other shall be made available for public inspection. Every clerk ofthe circuit court shall complete the posting required not later than threemonths prior to the next ensuing general election of members of the House ofDelegates and shall certify such posting to the Clerk of the House ofDelegates. The Clerk of the House of Delegates shall report to the GeneralAssembly at its next regular session the action taken by him under thissection, including the costs incurred in the printing and distribution of theamendments. The report shall be published in the Journal of the House ofDelegates.
(Code 1919, § 306; 1920, p. 396; 1927, p. 211; 1940, p. 471; 1946, p. 171;1959, Ex. Sess., c. 84; 1969, Ex. Sess., c. 13; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 71; 1976,c. 170; 1993, c. 399; 1994, c. 623; 2005, c. 839.)