§ 30-14.1. Enrollment of act to codify the laws; printing and distribution.
The provisions of § 30-14, concerning the manner and method of enrollment ofthe acts of the General Assembly shall not apply to an act to codify the lawsof the Commonwealth. In the case of such legislation the bill itself or acopy thereof, with all amendments to such bill, if any there be, incorporatedtherein, or with such amendments or copies thereof attached to oraccompanying such bill or copy of such bill, shall be taken and preserved asthe enrolled bill. If any such amendments are actually incorporated in thebill, or copy of the bill, they may be so incorporated in such manner and bysuch method as the Clerk of the House of Delegates deems most practicable,except that the Clerk shall not, in order to accomplish such incorporation,require the entire bill to be reprinted, or require any portion of the billto be reprinted which is not affected by any amendment. Such bill or copy,with the amendments or copies of the amendments as a part of the bill or copythereof, as made up by the Clerk in accordance with this section, shall besigned by the presiding officers of the Senate and House of Delegates andsent in such form to the Governor for his approval.
The Clerk of the House of Delegates, as Keeper of the Rolls of theCommonwealth, shall not be required to furnish to anyone a copy of an act tocodify the laws of the Commonwealth, nor to prepare such an act forpublication, nor to furnish to the Comptroller the manuscript of such an act,or any copy thereof. Nor shall the Clerk of the House of Delegates or theComptroller be required to print, publish or distribute an act to codify thelaws of the Commonwealth, as other acts and the joint resolutions of theGeneral Assembly are printed, published or distributed; unless it should beprovided in the act to codify the laws, as adopted, that some titles,chapters, articles or sections thereof shall take effect in advance of theremainder of the act, in which event such titles, chapters, articles, andsections of the act, with all amendments which affect them actuallyincorporated therein, shall be printed and distributed as are other acts ofAssembly, but may be separately printed and bound. The Comptroller shall,however, cause to be done any printing that the Clerk of the House ofDelegates requires to be done as a part of the process of incorporation ofamendments to any bill to codify the laws of the Commonwealth.
(1948, p. 587.)