§ 30-19.03:1.2. Unemployment compensation bills affecting net revenues of theCommonwealth.
A. The Virginia Employment Commission, in consultation with the Department ofPlanning and Budget, shall prepare a statement reflecting the potentialrevenue losses, in the form of decreased tax revenues, attributable to anybill that enhances the benefits payable to an individual pursuant to Title60.2.
B. No bill enhancing the benefits payable to an individual pursuant to Title60.2 shall be considered by the General Assembly at a regular session unlessthe bill contains a revenue loss statement prepared in accordance withsubsection A as a second or final enactment clause in the bill.
C. For the purposes of this section, legislation "enhancing the benefitspayable to a claimant" includes any legislation that would facilitate thereceipt, or increase the amount, of unemployment compensation benefits thatan otherwise qualified claimant is eligible to receive on an annual basis.
(2004, c. 895.)