§ 30-85. Commission established; powers and duties.
The Joint Commission on Technology and Science (JCOTS) is hereby establishedas a permanent legislative agency of the Commonwealth. JCOTS shall generallystudy all aspects of technology and science and endeavor to stimulate,encourage, promote, and assist in the development of technology and sciencein the Commonwealth and sound public policies related thereto. In addition,JCOTS shall:
1. Evaluate the impact of existing statutes and proposed legislation relatedto technology and science in the Commonwealth;
2. Advise the General Assembly, Governor, and agencies, authorities, andinstitutions of the Commonwealth upon matters related to technology andscience;
3. Investigate, research, and consider such issues related to technology andscience as may be requested by the General Assembly or determined by JCOTS;
4. Make recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor;
5. Consult with appropriate entities, public or private, on matters relatedto technology and science under JCOTS' consideration;
6. Encourage research and development in technology and science;
7. Solicit input from appropriate entities, public or private, on issuesrelated to technology and science;
8. Coordinate its efforts with and assist the efforts of other agencies,authorities, and institutions of the Commonwealth;
9. Accept private or public funds to carry out its purposes; and
10. Annually report its findings and recommendations to the General Assemblyand the Governor. JCOTS shall make such further interim reports to theGeneral Assembly and the Governor as it deems advisable or as required byconcurrent resolution of the General Assembly or by the Governor. Thechairman of JCOTS shall submit to the General Assembly and the Governor anannual executive summary of the interim activity and work of JCOTS no laterthan the first day of each regular session of the General Assembly. Theexecutive summary shall be submitted as provided in the procedures of theDivision of Legislative Automated Systems for the processing of legislativedocuments and reports and shall be posted on the General Assembly's website.
(1997, c. 847; 2005, c. 322.)