§ 30-110. Disclosure.
A. Every legislator and legislator-elect shall file, as a condition toassuming office, a disclosure statement of his personal interests and suchother information as is specified on the form set forth in § 30-111 andthereafter shall file such a statement annually on or before January 8. Whenthe filing deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, thedisclosure statement shall be filed on the next day that is not a Saturday,Sunday, or legal holiday. Disclosure forms shall be provided by the clerk ofthe appropriate house to each legislator and legislator-elect not later thanNovember 30 of each year. Members of the Senate shall file their disclosureforms with the Clerk of the Senate and members of the House of Delegatesshall file their disclosure forms with the Clerk of the House of Delegates.The disclosure forms of the members of the General Assembly shall bemaintained as public records for five years in the office of the clerk of theappropriate house.
B. Candidates for the General Assembly shall file a disclosure statement oftheir personal interests as required by §§ 24.2-500 through 24.2-503.
C. Any legislator who has a personal interest in any transaction pendingbefore the General Assembly and who is disqualified from participating inthat transaction pursuant to § 30-108 and the rules of his house shalldisclose his interest in accordance with the applicable rule of his house.
(1987, Sp. Sess., c. 1, § 2.1-639.40; 2001, c. 844; 2006, c. 779.)