§ 30-150. Authority for minor changes to the Virginia Administrative Code.
The Commission may correct unmistakable printer's errors, misspellings andother unmistakable errors in the regulations as incorporated into theVirginia Administrative Code, and may make consequential changes in thetitles of officers and agencies, and other purely consequential changes madenecessary by the use in the regulations of titles, terminology andreferences, or other language no longer appropriate.
The Commission may renumber, rename and rearrange any Virginia AdministrativeCode titles, sections or other divisions within the regulations which havebeen proposed, adopted or have become effective and make correspondingchanges in lists of subject and section headings, catchlines and tables, whenin the judgment of the Commission it is necessary because of any disturbanceor interruption of orderly or consecutive arrangement.
The Commission may correct unmistakable errors in the cross-references toCode of Virginia or Virginia Administrative Code sections and may changecross-references to such sections which have become outdated or incorrect dueto subsequent amendment to, revision or repeal of the sections to whichreference is made.
The Commission may omit from the regulations incorporated into the VirginiaAdministrative Code provisions which, in the judgment of the Commission, areinappropriate in a code, including, but not limited to, (i) effective dateclauses and (ii) severability clauses, which are provided for under §2.2-4004.
(1993, c. 669, § 9-77.10:1; 2001, c. 844.)